Management Buyout Services
Based in Atlanta, Lantern Capital Advisors successfully helps growing companies raise capital and execute management buyouts, refinance corporate debt to accelerate growth, achieve acquisition financing, or provide owners’ liquidity. Our management buyout services include business plan development, financial model development, and distribution to funding sources. All of our management buyout services are performed on an hourly basis.
All we do is work with growing private companies. Because of their growth, these companies may have a need to secure management buyout financing for their business. We know their challenges, and their alternatives, and can deliver solutions. We have referenced clients to prove it. Further, unlike investment funds, banks, or investment bankers, Lantern is truly independent. Our compensation is hourly based. We take no finder's fees from institutions, and do not seek or accept any equity (or warrant) compensation from our clients. Our goal is simply to serve the best interests of our clients - regardless of the size, amount, or type of financing sought.
Management Buyouts/Owner Exit Strategies - Lantern Capital Advisors management buyout services group works with owners and management teams to evaluate a company’s business and potential for multiple owner exit strategies and liquidity events. If it is believed that the objective of the business owner provides a strong potential for success, Lantern Capital Advisors will work with the owner and the management team to execute the transaction. Learn More About Owner Exit Strategies with Lantern Capital Advisors.
Financial Advisory Services - Lantern Capital Advisors is a corporate finance consulting firm that helps growing companies access capital from a wide variety of institutional lenders, mezzanine funds, and equity firms for a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons may be to secure growth financing, refinance corporate debt, buyout a shareholder, acquire another company, or provide the owner some liquidity Our team of corporate finance consultants successfully secures business financing for our clients on an hourly consulting fee basis. Learn More About Financial Advisory Services with Lantern Capital Advisors.
Corporate Finance Consulting, Corporate Financial Planning, Corporate Financial Advisors - Lantern Capital Advisors is a corporate financial consulting firm to growing, profitable businesses. We serve as a corporate financial advisor and strategist for these companies, and provide insight and experience that most company insiders don’t have. Sometimes clients have a question that doesn’t necessarily require raising capital. Lantern Capital Advisors and our team of corporate financial planning consultants works with our clients in order to develop comprehensive strategies for growth and helps our companies achieve these strategies. Typically these projects involve identifying acquisition targets, corporate financial planning for future exit strategies, or simply assisting with exploring the question, “What if?” Learn More About Corporate Financial Consulting with Lantern Capital Advisors.
Professional Business Plans - Lantern Capital Advisors writes comprehensive business plans with financial models and projections. Even if a company has no need to raise capital, a smart business has an updated business plan readily available should an opportunity present itself. Instead of rushing to pull something together at the last minute, all companies should have this as part of their business document library. As experts in business plan development, Lantern Capital Advisors quickly writes professional business plans for established growing companies. Because our model is based on an hourly consulting approach, our business plans are ideally positioned to enhance the company’s existing plan by utilizing our dynamic financial planning process. By writing the comprehensive business plan in conjunction with our dynamic financial planning process, we ensure that the business plan is relevant to the current market demand and the companies financial position. Learn More About Writing Your Business Plan with Lantern Capital Advisors.
As a corporate financial advisor to growing businesses, Lantern Capital Advisors raises growth capital, regardless of whether it is debt or equity for growing companies. Lantern Capital Advisors performs all work, whether raising capital, advising a company on corporate strategy, or writing a business plan on an hourly consulting model basis, regardless of the value of the capital raise or the size of the company. Lantern Capital Advisors has been corporate advisors and management consultants to growing companies for over 20 years and have been successfully been raising growth capital for our clients, regardless whether we are refinancing a company debt (taking out a current senior lender), sourcing new company debt for growth capital, or finding equity.
Lantern Capital Advisors helps growing entrepreneurial companies raise capital. Our capital raising services provide clients access to capital using our own unique consulting approach that gets consistent results, offers true objectivity, and is a fraction of the cost of investment banks and brokers that raise capital.
Lantern’s core services include creating comprehensive business plans and securing institutional capital for corporate debt refinancing, acquisition financing, management buyouts, growth and liquidity. Most of Lantern's clients are profitable, established businesses generating in excess of $1 Million per year of operating cash flow (or EBITDA).
Believing there is a better way and to remain independent, Lantern Capital Advisors raises capital using our own capital raising process that differs significantly from investment bankers and capital brokers in two, key ways.
1)We raise capital strictly on an hourly, fee-only basis.
Rather than seeking large success fees to raise capital, and to be fair to our clients of all sizes, we choose to work on a simple, hourly, fee-only basis. This removes any economic incentive to recommend one financing solution or provider over another. We also use reasonable billing rates that are comparable to working with an outsource CFO or middle market CPA or law firm. This simple approach drastically reduces the cost to clients to raise capital, and removes all conflicts of interest or potential for ‘self dealing.’
2)To achieve consistent results, we work in 3 phases in order to raise capital for our clients.
Management Buyout
Lantern Capital Advisors has experience successfully helping growing enterprises and entrepreneurs raise capital to finance their management buyout with revenues that typically range from $5 Million to $150 Million.